This is JENNY, one of my little sisters. (One Relation)
Jenny is special because she has brown eyes & she loves her Mum & dad. |
This is Jenny's brother TJ.
TJ is special because his mum & dad love him, no matter what! |
This is Bianca in front of Parliment House, Melbourne, Australia.
This is (top left) Suzy, (top right) Leecy, (bottom left) Jary, & Gema. (bottom right)
Suzy is our big sisters (Jens) daughter, Leecy is our little big sister/mum of Jary & Gema who just started high school. They went horse riding & it was 100 in the shade that day. |
This is "TIFFY" who works with disabled people. FOR FREE.
As far as i know, no one has been bitten, YET!
This is Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia.Jan. 2004, Shot from top step of Parliment House. (Sorry about the tram colour, SO ARE EVERYONE HERE.)
This is an Aboriginal Painting in a gallery window. (Please DO NOT USE THIS IMAGE for material gain. It is protected under law.)
Click this graphic to visit Koori World an Aboriginal website in Australia. |